Mcluhan and the Brain
What is to show is that the language "they" comprise has a syntax. In fact, it is to show how the mind computes in a fixed way with varying degree of the sensory motor system metaphoric expressions. I want to prove that in artifacts do have a autocathalytic structure formalizable with the tetraeda model. These innate structure of technologies put forward in the thesis comprise the mechanics of an analogical machine that produces a number of "coherant world expectations" in the mind from which an expector has to choose upon to perform the action or not. This analogical machine is a mental organ, simliar to the language organ, and performs the task to translate experience stored as conceptual metaphors into one another. It is a metaphorical device for that deals with the problems posed by ambiguity in words. Cognitive linguistics speak of the organs ability to "facilitate the understanding of one conceptual domain in terms of another".
In "Organism and Environment" in Scientia, and in more popular form in the last chapter of Biology as Ideology, Lewontin argued that while traditional Darwinism has portrayed the organism as passive recipient of environmental influences, a correct understanding should emphasize the organism as an active constructer of its own environment. Building on ideas initially developed by Lewontin (1983), it has been previously proposed that biological evolution depends not only on natural selection and genetic inheritance, but also on "niche construction" (Odling-Smee, 1988, Odling-Smee, et al., 1996; Laland et al., 1996a). By niche construction I refer to the same processes that Jones et al. (1997) call "ecosystem engineering". Niche construction refers to the activities, choices and metabolic processes of organisms, through which they define, choose, modify and partly create their own niches. There are numerous examples of organisms choosing or changing their habitats, or of constructing artefacts, leading to an evolutionary response (Odling-Smee et al., 1996; Laland et al., 1996a). Mens brain computes changes as part of its endownment for adaptation which is nothing more than the capacity to learn and relearn.
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