Thursday, January 21, 2010

This is a big question

A society is composed of individuals who share certain characteristics.

These characteristics are woven into the fabric of society by means of language.

Composed into a myrid array of extensions which predispose its distribution and dissemination. The predisposition form their interface conditions. Any useful understanding of the way a society functions is based on an understanding of its means of communication and its application by and in the same. That the means themselfs shape their ends in some way is evident.

The consequences of the introduction of any technology in society is shaped by what kind of society it is that implements it, and actively fosters or prevents it from flourishing.

Technology does not follow blind selection.

It is an artificially nurtured entity or catalyst of change or progress. Any judgement wether it is good or bad is irrelevant.

The question is how to predict its consequences?

Can we device a model for studying the structural impact of technologies on society?

On what foundations can such a model be constructed?

Such a model must be able to make predictions about the relationship between cause and effect of technological innovations on societal structures. The depth that is requried to establish a causal relationship between two factors, f.e. governmental policies and unemployment rate, must be choosen in opposition to the width of the prediction made by the model. And these can only go as depth as it makes sense for the bigger picture in which society asserts itself heading towards. Therfor the resolution must be wisely choosen to be both, empirical valid and explanatory strong. Not to fall in the trap of either one of these sides.

Can we apply the model to facts in history?

Any model that works propably must produce the desired outcome. The outcome of society is its history, traditions, customs, methods of production and so forth. It accumulates not over time but over space. If one wants to know what we are, it is a wise move to look at where we came from. History provides a well studied subject with ample sources and possibilities to match the models predictions with observable facts.

What are the fundaments upon such a model can be errected? Sociology, Technology and Philosophy. Maybe Economy, Politics and social psychology or language philosophy? Or maybe over all engineering, biology, computer sience? This is a big question.

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